We are a Belgian consultancy company with expertise in air navigation services, covering:

  • aeronautical information management (AIM)
  • aeronautical data modelling (AIXM)
  • airspace and instrument procedure design (PANS-OPS / PBN) validation
  • specification and management of AIM System development and implementation
  • transition from AIS to AIM
  • AIS / AIM training
  • GANP/ASBU roadmap, SWIM development and implementation
  • aeronautical charting
  • electronic terrain and obstacle data (eTOD)


The aeronautical information services are undergoing since several years a major transformation driven by the evolution of the global aviation system. The transition from AIS to AIM initiated by ICAO targets the adaptation of the information services supporting the performance based concept introduced in the civil aviation operations: performance based navigation (PBN), required communication performance(RCP), etc. The second driver of the changes in AIS is the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP), edition 2013-2028 which sets the direction of the civil aviation system evolution over the next 15 years. The ICAO GANP is introducing the aviation system block upgrades (ASBU), a set of four performance improvement areas targeting: airport operations, globally‐interoperable systems and data, optimum capacity and flexible flights and efficient flight paths.

ASEDRIA provides you with support in addressing the essential requirements for the transition from AIS to AIM:

  • critical elements to be captured in the SLAs
  • development of the quality processes and procedures
  • implementation of the data model supporting the aeronautical data management (AIXM)
  • implementation and management of the electronic AIP (eAIP)
  • aeronautical data unique identifiers
  • definition of the aeronautical data metadata profile; IOS 19115 or proprietary implementations / extensions
  • management of the eTOD
  • implementation of the airport mapping data

The implementation of GAMP / ASBUs is somehow more complex and requires a medium to longer term planning. For possibles areas where ASEDRIA may support you, please refer to the other services: ATM Data, SWIM, etc.

With the adoption of the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP, edition 2013-2028), it can be observed a more prominent regard to the information management. All the services identified as areas of improvement in the Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) on one hand and the Global ATM Operational Concept (ICAO Doc 9854) on the other hand require the elaboration of a strategy with respect to the information management, creating better synergies between various domains, such as aeronautical, air traffic management (ATM),  meteorological and surveillance information.

ASEDRIA can provide you with different level of expert support, from the strategic, high-level overview and masterplan to the data modelling and management using specific data exchange models: AIXM, FIXM, eWXXM.

ASEDRIA portfolio of services contains inter-alia instrument procedure design, based on ICAO Doc 8168 (PANS-OPS). Although the procedure design activity is regulated in most of the States and require a specific licence or authorisation, ASEDRIA can support you with the following services:

  • consultancy and advice in managing or outsourcing the procedure design activity
  • review and validation of the instrument procedures
  • terminal airspace design and optimisation in the PBN context
  • terminal procedure (SID/STAR/IAP) encoding in AIXM 4.5/5.1
  • implementation of data model (AIXM) extensions to cover all the procedure design properties

ASEDRIA has a vast experience in producing ICAO aeronautical charts. ASEDRIA offers the following services:

  • guidance and advice in producing the aeronautical chart as provided by ICAO Annex 4
  • support in understanding and interpreting any concept and content required by a chart
  • support in managing data-driven charting tools and systems
  • support in developing data encoding principles / guidelines and business rules

System Wide Information Management (SWIM) is one of the essential components of the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP, edition 2013-2028) and the Aviation System Block Upgrades. Time has come for the implementation of the SWIM services at national and regional / international levels.

ASEDRIA offers SWIM-oriented services covering:

  • development of State-level rule sand regulations
  • development of organisational and national implementation strategies
  • development of specifications and guidance material for the SWIM implementation
  • advice and subject-matter expertise in specific SWIM implementation projects

Since the adoption in 2004 of the ICAO provisions regarding the electronic terrain and obstacle data with the Amendment 34 to ICAO Annex 15, eTOD proved to be a very complex and difficult subject, both form the understanding of the technical requirements and from the implementation perspectives.

ASEDRIA has a vase experience in the domain, contributing with the subject matter expertise resulting in the ICAO SARPs Gap Analysis (2008). The analysis was used as a basis for the refinement of the provisions introduced in Annex 15 with Amendment 36.

ASEDRIA offers the following services:

  • support in understanding the eTOD operational and technical requirements
  • support and guidance in development and execution of an eTOD national implementation plan
  • data encoding (AIXM) and eTOD management services
  • support in alignment and compliance with national regulations and the ICAO Annex 15 provisions
  • support in development of the required eTOD metadata profile and the liaison with the ISO 19115 Geographical Metadata Standard

Considering the cross-domain expertise ASEDRIA owns in its portfolio, the training and coaching come naturally in our offer for support and services.

ASEDRIA provides standardised and tailored training and coaching services covering:

  • aeronautical information services and management (AIS/AIM): AIP / AMDT / NOTAM / AIRAC Cycle, etc.
  • aeronautical charting
  • PANS-OPS / PBN instrument procedure verification and validation
  • eTOD implementation
  • GANP / ASBU understanding and implementation
  • SWIM Operational Concept
  • AIXM basic understanding, specifications and advanced encoding solutions
  • introduction and implementation of ADQ (Commission Regulation 73/2010)


European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation

EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, is an intergovernmental Organisation with 41 Member States, committed to building, together with its partners, a Single European Sky that will deliver the air traffic management performance required for the twenty-first century and beyond.

European AIS Database (EAD) Static Data Operations Expert

Change management process of the following sub-systems: static data operations (SDO/SDD), graphical tools (GT), published AIP management system (PAMS). The contract covers:

  • expert analysis of requirements and creation of change proposals for SDO / SDD / GT / PAMS
  • supervise the application of the change management process
  • review and provide input to the system and service documentation, the release content documentation
  • review and approve the operational user handbooks: data provider and data user
  • supervise and participate into the assessment and verification of the EAD releases
  • provide support for EAD Clients in matters related to the managed sub-systems

GCAA, United Arab Emirates

The General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) was established in 1996 by Federal Cabinet Decree (Law 4) to regulate Civil Aviation and provide designated aviation services with emphasis on safety and security and to strengthen the aviation industry within the UAE and its upper airspace. The main office is located in Abu Dhabi and the regional office is located in Dubai to serve the northern Emirates.

AIM and Procedure Design (PANS-OPS) Services

  • AIM System management
  • Project management for the AIM system enhancements PMO project
  • SWIM Implementation in UAE
  • PANS-OPS instrument procedures validation and AIXM encoding
  • Advisor to UAE Member in the ICAO Information Management Panel (IMP)
  • Advisor to GCAA in the UAE AIM Technical Committee
  • Subject matter expertise for the implementation of eTOD in UAE
  • Support and advice to GCAA AIM management

Our clients appreciated:

  • Over 17 years of experience in the Air Navigation Services domain
  • Expertise in working in national and international environments
  • In-depth knowledge of the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices
  • Project management and project support from the tender specification to implementation
  • Technical documentation writing: specifications, call for tender, manuals, process description and procedures
  • Client – customised training and coaching programs

Accomplished Projects

Development of the Integrated NOTAM System
Instrument Approach Procedure Design (PANS-OPS)
Aeronautical Chart Design (ENR, AD)
Integrated NOTAM System, Romanian Civil Aviation Authority
Controlled and Harmonised Aeronautical Information Network (CHAIN):
– SME for the CHAIN standard input forms (SIF)
– Development of the CHAIN Specification for an Automated Data Quality Process
– SME for the CHAIN computer based training (CBT)
Controlled and Harmonised Aeronautical Information Network, EUROCONTROL
Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (eTOD):
– eTOD ICAO SARPs Gap Analysis
Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data - Gap Analysis, EUROCONTROL
EAD Static Data Operations – transition from AIXM 4.5 to AIXM 5.1
– oversight of the static and dynamic data (SDD) subsystem development
– AIXM 4.5 to 5.1 Mapping
– AIXM 5.1 to 4.5 Mapping
– SDO / SDD change management process
EAD Static Data Operations, EUROCONTROL
The AIM system owned by GCAA is based on the AIXM 5.1 data model and exchange:
– Development of eTOD metadata profile
– Implementation of the rate of descent (RoD) proprietary extension (first AIXM 5.1 extension in the Middle East)
– Prepare the system for SWIM aeronautical data exchange
– Implement ICAO data integrity through a proprietary extension of CRC-32Q
GCAA AIM System Enhancement, GCAA, UAE
UAE national program of implementing eTOD:

– development of a standardised obstacle metadata profile from ISO 19115
– development of an obstacle encoding example in AIXM 5.1
– development of a national specification for the eTOD Areas 1 and 2 implementation

eTOD Area 1 & 2 Specification, GCAA, UAE